3D printing Star

Is 3D printing interesting for my company?

Our 3D printing Star service will help you using and implementing 3D printing technologies in your company. It will help you to take stock of the ‘real’ 3D printing maturity of your product and further develop it from there. Depending on your needs, 3D printing Star can include:

  • Economic viability for products and services at idea stage, taking into account any hidden/unknown activities and costs related to 3D printing.
  • Products review to find interesting candidate(s) to be 3D printed with economic and/or functional advantages.

A 3D printing capability maturity assessment tool to determine possible specific training modules.

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Accelerate 3D printing learning.

In order to mitigate the skills gaps of your company, we will specify courses together to provide you with the best training in the 3D printing field. These courses options cover all the technical levels and every profile (CEO, engineers or technicians/operators).

Non-exhaustive list of courses provided to clients

  • 3D printing : update on the technology
  • Economy within 3D printing
  • Masterclasses on 3D printing

Design for 3D printing manufacturing including the complete process chain.

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Research & Development

You need it? You must have it!

The solutions on the existing market are not always answering your needs, but the right material or optimisation might be key for your product or service to be successful.

Research and Development can be costly, and finding the right partners is crucial. Faddtory will use its extensive network, based on more than 20 years experience in the 3D printing field to help you in finding complementary partners and raising funds.

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Strategic Agenda

How to integrate 3D printing?

Assessing, designing and implementing the evolution of your business and its organisational models to successfully integrate the novel 3D printing-based solutions can be a challenge as many hidden costs have to be considered.


  • Supports your strategic agenda to achieve a successful 3D printing integration in-house or through subcontractors.
  • Assesses in details the ‘real’ 3D printing maturity of your business, an essential step before considering large-scale investment in 3D printing manufacturing.

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Product Development

From design to final product

Following 3D printing pre-set existing rules/guides for your products will be expensive. Moving to 3D printing requires a full understanding of the technology and machines you use and of your entire production process. Faddtory takes into consideration each client’s specificities and proper needs, and offers some tailor-made solutions.

Faddtory will make 3D print design your products achieve exceptional functionalities that will bring competitive advantages. Functional optimisation will help you customise your flagship products for your clients: bespoke products and functionally optimised products (among other possible specs, in terms of weight or vibrations for instance).


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Product Optimisation

The goldmine for your product!

To optimise production costs, each cost item must be analysed. Production costs must include 3D print prototypes and production but also post processing and quality control.

Faddtory optimises your production costs via a global value analysis that takes into account the various functions and cost items.

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Your product is unique, let’s make the difference!

The Factory at the end of the universe takes its name from using various 3D printing technologies with no compromise on product quality. Nowadays, no matter if production takes place at the corner of your street or at the end of the universe. What matters for Faddtory is to meet your expectations with the right product specifications, quality, confidentiality and price.

  • Production should meet your particular needs in terms of materials and process, not what Is commonly proposed.
  • The analysis of your current 3D printing products and quality specifications will be linked to your real needs (number of parts per month/year).
  • The material’s properties are considered as extremely important and must be linked to the machines’ parameters.
  • Your current 3D printed products quality is objectively assessed to find the most adequate solution for you.

Faddtory will help you in defining adapted 3D printing specifications to find the appropriate subcontractors and will use its extensive network to bring you new opportunities.

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Implement 3DP in house

It’s not only about buying a machine!

At some point, implementing 3D printing in house is the solution. Faddtory supports you in :

  • defining the appropriate technology for your products,
  • finding the machine, material and consumable that suits your real needs and budget,
  • integrating the 3D printing in your organisation and business.

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MW4REMAM – Microwave enhanced recovery of REEs and plastic from WEEE and re-use in AM of novel magnetic components

#Sustainability - #NbFeB - #AM

Microwave enhanced recovery of REEs and plastic from WEEE and re-use in AM of novel magnetic components.
The main objective of the MW4REMAM project is to develop an innovative technology for efficient recovery of both rare earth metals and plastics from waste of electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE), to produce plastic-REE composite filaments and create new magnetic components via additive manufacturing.

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MW4REMAM – Microwave enhanced recovery of REEs and plastic from WEEE and re-use in AM of novel magnetic components

#Sustainability - #NbFeB - #AM

Microwave enhanced recovery of REEs and plastic from WEEE and re-use in AM of novel magnetic components

The goal of this European project is to use innovative microwave technology to improve the recovery of rare-earth elements (REEs) and plastics from end-of-life electric and electronic devices (WEEE). The waste will be recycled as raw material to create magnetic components, by using additive manufacturing.

Rare earth elements (REE) are essential materials in connected and electrical technologies due to their unique properties, making them suitable for use in various high-tech applications. They are currently the subject of great interest regarding the transition to decarbonisation and a greener economy.

The main objective of the MW4REMAM project is to develop an innovative technology for efficient recovery of both rare earth metals and plastics from waste of electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE), to produce plastic-REE composite filaments and create new magnetic components via additive manufacturing.

The specific objectives of the project are:

The development of a microwave technology for the separation and recovery of plastic and REE from discarded NdFeB magnets in WEEE with high efficiency and low environmental impact.

The production of nano and microcrystalline REE powders by means of mechanochemical processing
The production of plastic-REE composite filaments from prior recycled materials and the demonstration that composite materials can be re-used through additive manufacturing of new magnetic components via fused filament fabrication (FFF) technology
The estimation of the environmental impact of the new technologies in order to meet the European Green Deal targets
To raise awareness among the general public about the environmental and economic benefits of recycling REE from WEEE and the innovative potential of re-use in additive manufacturing of magnets.
The proposed project is highly innovative at European level because of its development in the field of REE and plastic recovery by microwave technology. It is an important step forward in the economic and ecological processing of small NdFeB magnets from WEEE, as both plastics and REE materials can be reused in additive manufacturing to produce (redesigned) new magnetic parts.

TRACKY – Tracking and Marking the stage of recycled material

#Sustainability - #Recycling - #AM

The objective of TRACKY is to create the demonstration of a circular economy business possibility around orthopaedics corset. The aim is to gain in sustainable management of the resources by recuperating the used corsets to produce new one. The quality of the material is degrading with the number of times it has been recycled, as […]

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TRACKY – Tracking and Marking the stage of recycled material

#Sustainability - #Recycling - #AM

The objective of TRACKY is to create the demonstration of a circular economy business possibility around orthopaedics corset.
The aim is to gain in sustainable management of the resources by recuperating the used corsets to produce new one. The
quality of the material is degrading with the number of times it has been recycled, as the FDM process is based on thermal
modification of the material. The tracking og the quality is important to permit the control, and to best exploit the recyclability
without compromising the parts specification and functionality.

The main objectives of the projects are: 

  • Production on corset and recycling of them to create circular economy.
  • The marking of the level of recycling should be integrated to the 3D parts before production by copying the information from the materials spool

For reaching the different objectives TRACKY will have those expected results:


  • Recuperation of the material sorting issues and cleaning to produce PP recycled materials with 5 different aging and
    testing them in production. This should see if the 100% recycling approach is adapted to the product. In case of the
    materials proprieties will be reduced, mixing with new materials, and/or modifying the Embrace software to increase the
    dimensions to compensate for those losses.
  • Develop the recycling concept for recuperating and optimising the supply chain of the materials in terms of economy and
    environment. Integrate the concept in the Embrace software. Monitoring on the quality and the materials proprieties.
  • Demonstrate the economical viability of the concept, in terms of cost for the end users, and to see the advantages also in
    terms of delivery time and reduction of waste.
  • Measure the impact on the environment between the traditional and new solution, analysed with the Life Cycle
    Assessment approach focusing mainly on the materials production. (including the transportation from the new materials,
    recuperations etc)

REPREX : Replace production process and exploite circular materials

#Circulardesign #Recycling #AM

REPREX focus on the recyclability of plastic materials for 3D printing production and develop the circular economy concept around it for an industry provider of orthopaedics’ product.   Recycling of the materials is only one step of the circular economy. The cost-effective aspects must be clearly considered, or users will continue with their traditional virgin […]

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REPREX : Replace production process and exploite circular materials

#Circulardesign #Recycling #AM

REPREX focus on the recyclability of plastic materials for 3D printing production and develop the circular economy concept around it for an industry provider of orthopaedics’ product.


Recycling of the materials is only one step of the circular economy. The cost-effective aspects must be clearly considered, or users will continue with their traditional virgin materials. Costs of recycling plastics can vary widely depending on several factors, including the type of plastic, the recycling process used, local recycling infrastructure, and market condition. The mains cost in recycling of plastic are typically the collection and the sorting of them (about 75%) and added to possible contamination, such as non-recyclable items mixed in with plastics, it can increase processing costs and reduce the value of recycled materials.

In that perspective, REPREX want to use a close loop approach, and in that matter the orthopaedic market is an interesting candidate to create a circular economy business because:

  • Products are patient tailored and cannot be reused.
  • Products are used for limited time.
  • Orthopaedic control the treatment´s duration and are in contact with the product to collect it.
  • Product contamination is limited due to the type of users and utilisation.
  • Orthopaedics have a stock of old parts. (PP, TPU, etc)

REPREX activities will be:

Recycling of plastics: Each of the plastics will be recycled from materials from 3Dprinting (supports of parts and old parts) and some from traditional production (PP materials). The aim will be to granulate, remove and control humidity in the materials before producing filament for Fuse Deposition Modelling (FDM) printer.

o Recycling of the PP from 3D printing.

o Recycling of TPU from 3D printing.

o Recycling of PP from traditional orthopaedics parts.


POC IDF – PrintAble


Les objectifs de ce POC sont: Pérenniser économiquement les productions de niches (B2B principalement) Faire une usine de fabrication pour des revendeurs. Démontrer les gains par l’automatisation de la méthodologie et des actions de préparations des fichiers. Démontrer sur un marché moins exigeant pour accélérer le développement et aussi voir si le marché peut être […]

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POC IDF – PrintAble


Les objectifs de ce POC sont:

  • Pérenniser économiquement les productions de niches (B2B principalement)
  • Faire une usine de fabrication pour des revendeurs.
  • Démontrer les gains par l’automatisation de la méthodologie et des actions de préparations des fichiers.
  • Démontrer sur un marché moins exigeant pour accélérer le développement et aussi voir si le marché peut être complémentaire.

